SharpThreads, Part 1

Graphics programming is the ultimate hell-fun type of programming.

Reasons: Its mathematical (so it makes me feel smart), and also is very functional and testable and neat. When I was young, graphics programming was all I did – so it taps into my very deepest instincts. Put it this way – when I was 11, I wasn’t coding up analytics module. I was making a freakin spinning sphere and a colony life sim thing!

So to intoduce this project, here is a link to the original cloth app I developed in 2004. In C++, and OpenGL, it was for a university paper:

Have a go, right click and play around. I think its pretty neat and the maths behind it is quite sound. Here is my original report, if you want to delve into the theory and practicalities involved.

Now I shall port it to WPF. Just so I learn some more WPF (for my potential new job, hopefully, all things going well), and also because my life is all web these days and I’m losing my mojo. And also, come on, SharpThreads is a genius name.

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